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Reference Data

Is a list of items that could be referenced multiple times across different Workflows and could be edited (maintained) in one single place.

Rosco Pettinari avatar
Written by Rosco Pettinari
Updated over 6 months ago

With Reference Data you will be able to use the same list of items in different elements (across different Workflows) and edit the list in one single place. This is helpful when you need to use the same long list of products (or users, or addresses, anything) to be the options of different multiple choices but you don’t want to maintain each list individually.

Here is an example

Let’s say that I have multiple Workflows that contain a multiple choice for the user to select a State.

Step 1.
As an ADMIN user, go to the Settings page and add a new Reference Data.

Step 2.a.

Copy the list of state names that I need and paste it into the Reference Data.
*Or manually type each item (remember that pressing the ENTER key will generate a new item every time)


Note that the Reference Data could have two different formats, It could be a list of VALUES or a list of LABEL-VALUES items.

Step 3.

Make sure you give this list a name and click SAVE to generate the Reference Data.

Step 4.

And finally, you will be able to automate any “Multiple Choice” elements by choosing the name of the Reference Data you just created.

Step 5.
Now, If you want to add, remove or edit items inside this Reference Data, you can go back to the Settings page, edit the Reference Data, save the changes, and the changes will be applied to all the places where this Reference Data is being referenced.

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