Some use cases require the usage of the entire company's site structure as part of their workflows. For example, a Safety Checklist that is being used in different sites by different teams, could have an item where the user has to specify from which location is him/her reporting. This feature is much more than a multiple choice, because it will allow you to navigate deeper within nodes, like if you were navigating though files within folders.
With the Hierarchy feature, you will be able to setup these hierarchical structures that are relevant to your operations.
To setup your Hierarchies, admin users should go into the Settings page:
Each node of the Hierarchy should have a display name and a Key (that should be unique within it's siblings), and it could have different custom properties that might be relevant to you. For example, if you are setting up different locations within sites (within branches), each specific location could have a "longitude" and a "latitude" property with the specific coordinates numbers.
Note that if you rather not do this manually on the FAT FINGER platform, and you rather import this data on a CSV sheet, you are able to upload by clicking on UPLOAD. But don't forget to DOWNLOAD first, that will get you a file correctly formated that you will be able to edit adding and changes the the nodes you need, but keeping the format required by the system.
Once your Hierarchies are all setup, you can start connecting them into your workflows through the Hierarchy element. You could have multiple Hierarchy elements, but don't forget to specify which Hierarchy should they be working with.